Dev Hyeri

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[영국영어] 매수 당한건가? bought off? (+ 예문)

_hyeri 2023. 11. 22. 00:50


bought off?

매수 당한건가? 뇌물 받은건가?





Did you hear about the manager being accused of being bought off by the competition.

경영진이 경쟁사에 뇌물을 받았다는 소문 들었니?
Seriously? I thought he was loyal to our team.
뭐라고?  우리 팀에 충성스러울 줄 알았는데.

I can't believe the project manager was bought off to prioritize a certain vendor's products.
프로젝트 매니저가 특정 공급업체의 제품을 우선시하기 위해 뇌물을 받았다고 믿을 수가 없어.
That explains why we're suddenly using their tools instead of the ones we tested.
그게 왜 우리가 갑자기 테스트할 것 대신 그들의 도구를 사용하게 되었는지 알겠네.

It's rumored that some politicians were bought off to pass that controversial bill.
소문에 의하면 몇몇 정치인들이 놀란이 되는 그 법안을 통과시키려고 뇌물을 받았다던대.
