/wel red/
교양있는, 박식한
Let me introduce you to Hyeri.
혜리를 소개할게.
Oh, who's Hyeri?
혜리는 누구야?
Hyeri is well-read and has a great sense of humor. You'll enjoy chatting with her.
혜리는 교양 있고 유머러스해. 너도 걔랑 얘기하는 걸 즐길 거야.
Have you met my friend Lily?
내 친구 릴리랑 만났어?
No, not yet. What's she like?
아니, 아직. 어떤 사람이야?
Lily is icredibly well-read. You can talk to her about anything from science to Shakespeare, and she'll have something interesting to say.
릴리는 엄청나게 박식해. 과학에서부터 셰익스피어까지 뭘 얘기해도 흥미로운 얘기가 나와.