Dev Hyeri

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[영국영어] ~하시겠어요? care to

_hyeri 2023. 9. 5. 17:35


care to





would you care to join us for a quick coffee break?

잠깐 쉴래?

Do you care to share your thoughts on this coding challenge?
이 코딩 챌린지에 대한 생각을 공유하고 싶니?

If you care to take a look, I've made some improvements to the user iterface.
보시고 싶으시면 사용자 인터페이스에 몇 가지 개선을 했어요.

I thought you might care to hear about the latest project updates.
최신 프로젝트 업데이트에 대해 듣고 싶어 할 것 같아서.

She didn't seem to care to attend the software canference this year.
올해 소프트웨어 컨퍼런스에 참석하길 원하는 것 같지 않아요.

Anything you'd care to share with me?
나한테 해줄 말 없니?

Care to explain why you didn't tell me?
왜 말 안했는지 설명 해볼래?