Dev Hyeri

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[영국영어] 마음을 터 놓다 come out of one's shell (+ 예문)

_hyeri 2024. 1. 11. 18:30


come out of one's shell

마음을 터 놓다





He's really come out of his shell. I don't know how you did it

그가 마음을 열었네. 어떻게 한거에요?

You've been taking on more mentoring responsibilities lately.
최근에 멘토링 업무를 더 맡고 있는 걸 봤어.
Yeah, I decided it was time to come out of my shell and help others grow in their careers.
응, 마음을 열고 다른 이들의 커리어 성장을 돕기로 결심했어.

You seem more comfortable in team meetings now.
팀 미팅에서 더 편안해진 것 같아.
Yeah, I made a conscious effort to come out of my shell and contribute more actively to discussions.
응, 나는 의식적으로 마음을 열고 논의에 더 적극적으로 참여하려 노력했어.

bring somebody out of one's shell : 마음을 열게 만들다.