Dev Hyeri

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[영국영어] 단짝 친구, 절친 best pals

_hyeri 2023. 9. 30. 23:20


best pals

단짝 친구, 절친, 반쪽

(장난스럽게 얘기할 때)





Now I'm best pals with all those criminals.

난 이제 범죄자들이랑 단짝 친구가 됐잖아.

Hey, did you hear that Mark and Sarah are now best pals?
얘, 마크랑 사라가 절친 되었다는 얘기 들었어?
Yeah, I noticed they've been working on that project together. They make a great team.
응, 둘이 프로젝트 진행하는 걸 봤어. 환상의 호흡이던데.

Who should we invite to the programming competition as our third team member?
프로그래밍 대회에 세 번째 멤버로 누굴 초대해야 할까?
Let's ask Hyeri, she's my best pal in the software industry. Her problem-solving skills are top-notch.
혜리한테 물어보자, 업계에서 내 반쪽이야. 문제 해결 능력 최강이야.