Dev Hyeri

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[영국영어] it has completely turned my life around 내 삶을 완전히 바꿨어 (+ 예문)

_hyeri 2024. 3. 13. 12:26


it has completely turned my life around

내 삶을 완전히 바꿨어





I noticed you've been more focused and productive lately. What's your secret?

요즘 네가 집중력과 생산력 좋아진 걸 눈치챘어. 비결이 뭐야
I started praticing mindfulness meditation, and it has completely turned my life around. It helps me stay calm and focused throughout the day.
명상을 시작했어. 내 삶을 완전히 바꿨지. 하루 종일 차분하고 집중할 수 있게 도와줘

How's your new job going?
새로운 직장은 어때?
Amazing! It has completely turned my life around. I'm happier, more fulfilled, and financially stable now.
대단해! 내 삶이 180도 바뀌었어. 이제 더 행복하고 만족스럽고, 재정적으로도 안정되었어.
